I wrote a small program in Ruby that can gather interesting stats from any given topic in the NG forums:
1) The users who have posted the most in the given topic.
2) How many supporters,moderators,staff members have posted in the topic.
3) How many people with a given aura (gamers, audiophiles, programmers etc.) have posted in the topic.
4) The levels of the posters.
Tried finding the user who has posted the most on http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1384710 (New User Introduction Thread), result :
It was kinda slow, 55 seconds to go through 1351 posts.
Well, the topic has 1351 posts, and DoctorStrongBad has 243/1351 = 18% of the posts there, almost 1/5 !
The resulting USERS hash will contain all the posters, their post counts in the topic, their level, status, aura...
What is interesting is that it's possible to represent the data in a pie chart, with :
- Only 2 options : supporters vs non-supporters.
- Staff, Moderators and Members.
- By the levels (with or without ranges like 10-20,20-30 etc.).
- By the auras.
- By the usernames (only the top posters)
I found a good Ruby library to do it (https://github.com/topfunky/gruff).
[EDIT] Here is the script, if anyone's interested: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0a7a3a1990093dffaabbbc772f03a22f